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Elkhart County Superior Court
Elkhart County Superior Court
Brandon Townsend avatar
Written by Brandon Townsend
Updated over 3 months ago

⚠️ This article content has been consolidated / moved. This content is now part of our unified Content Provider Instructions guide. Please visit our updated article: LINK

Login to TRX Site:

Follow links in email notifications or navigate to

Login using previously provided credentials. Contact with any questions or trouble with your credentials

Open / View Request

Once logged into your TRX Account, a list of active Requests is displayed. Click the Request # or Case name to open the Request.

Viewing the Request displays all the following information / tabs

  • Details Tab -- Request / case details

  • Messages Tab -- Post, reply, review

  • Payments Tab -- Electronic payment details and history

  • Routing Tab -- Not used at this time

  • Player Tab -- Published content available to customer

  • Share Tab -- Share request with others

  • Content Tab -- Files uploaded to Request (NOT available to customer)

  • Notes Tab -- Public and Private notes

Claim Request

To update Requests in TRX (Edit, Finalize, etc), the Request needs to be CLAIMED. To claim a Request, navigate to the share tab and click "Claim" next to your name.

Once a Request has been Claimed, it cannot be claimed or updated by any other TRX Users. To allow someone else access, the Request will need to be UN-Claimed. To do so, just click "Un-Claim" button.

Upload Content to Request

To upload files, from the Details Tab or the Content Tab, click the "Upload Files" button. Next, a pop-up window is displayed. Click "Add Files" and select the files to be uploaded.

Once the files are added to the queue (listed in the select files list) click "Start Upload"

**DO NOT Click out of this window while files are done uploading**

When complete, the window displays a message “# file(s) successfully uploaded!” click “I’m Done” to close this window.

Files uploaded to the Request are then auto-processed into a standard format so they can be streamed in the TRX Player.

While processing, there is an indicator on the content tab of the request showing the # of processing jobs currently running on that Request.

This processing time can take anywhere from a just a few seconds to 10+ minutes depending on the number and the total size of the files uploaded.

Review Content in TRX Studio

There are 2 subtabs under the Content tab, File Manager and Studio.

The File Manager tab displays all the files uploaded to the Request. These files can be downloaded from the File Manager. However, files are PUBLISHED for streaming via the Studio tab.

The TRX Studio displays the hearing dates uploaded and processed in the Request.

In the screenshot below, the hearing date is 4/29/2019. It has a duration of 25 minutes and 1 second (00:25:01).

The hearing can be opened in the player for review by clicking on the date text

The Player includes more detailed date / hearing information. Note in the screenshot below the Studio displays Case Name, Hearing Date, Start, End, and total length (highlighted in red). If there are Log Notes available, they are displayed in the "Log Notes" section. Click the arrow / log notes text to toggle the log notes on or off

Bookmarking Process

If you need to release only a portion of a larger hearing, there is a bookmarking capability in the Player. To do so, you need to set the START and END time of the hearing and then create a BOOKMARK. In the video below, the start time has been adjusted by entering the specific START / END times in the player and then clicking enter to save those times.

You can also manually enter the START / END times by clicking into the field and entering the time with your keyboard (see video below)

Once that time range is set, a bookmark needs to be created. This is done by clicking the Bookmark Icon below the player.

Clicking the "Create bookmark" icon will create a smaller designation of the content that can then be published. Note in the video below when the bookmark is created a green banner is displayed confirming creation but also the range is displayed in the player using a black line / tick marks on the Player. This displays the segment which has been bookmarked

Publish Content

Once all the content has been uploaded and is loaded into the Studio, it can be published to the TRX Player for the Customer to review. Click on the 3-line menu in the studio and select "Publish" from the drop-down list. This will place either the bookmarked segment, or if the entire segment no bookmark has been created, onto the TRX Player on the Downloads tab. The customer can review this content published to the Player tab

Now that it's published, the content will be available on the Player tab for the customer to review.

Posting Messages

To post a message to a Request, open the Messages tab. Next, enter the message into the text box and click "Post". Messages are logged in the Request and everyone on the Share tab with notifications enabled is notified via email. This email includes a copy of the message and a direct link back to the TRX Request.

Attachments can also be added to these messages. Documents, Images, etc.

Sharing Requests

The Share tab displays all the users associated and whether they have notifications turned on for the Request.

Requests can be shared directly with others using their email address. Click the "Share" button to open sharing options for the Request. Just enter first name, last name, and email address.

Finalize Requests

Once a Request has been fulfilled and completed, the TRX Request should be finalized. The Finalize button is listed on the top right corner of the Request.

Before Finalizing the Request, the system provides a reminder as to what exactly happens to the Request when it is Finalized.

  • Customer will be notified via email

  • Request will move to "Completed" status

  • Request cannot be modified once Finalized

After being Finalized, the status of the Request is updated to "Completed"

Archive Requests

You have the option to "archive" your Requests. This tool is intended to help you keep your Request list organized by removing old / completed orders from your default views. Requests can be archived from the Request itself using the "Archive Request" button

By default, Archived Requests are not displayed on the order listing page. This enables you to keep your Request list somewhat organized since you can Archive Requests as they are completed. You toggle between displaying or not displaying Archived Requests using the Show / Hide Archived button on the Request listing page.

If you have any questions, you can always reach TRX Support via

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