As the Claimant / Seller on an Order, you may need to secure a deposit from your Customer before you begin transcription TheRecordXchange allows you to request these deposits and your Customer to pay their deposit, all online.
Once an order has been claimed, the claimant can request a deposit. Need more info on Claiming orders? click button below:
To request a deposit, select the Payments tab on the order:
Next, click "Request Deposit" button:
Enter Amount ($) of Deposit being requested and a description if needed. Then click "Continue" to submit the Deposit Request:
At this point, a few things happen with the order:
Order Status auto-updated to "Deposit Required"
Email notification sent to Customer that a deposit has been requested.
The pending request is displayed on the Payments tab:
The Deposit must be RESCINDED if it needs to be changed.
For details on making a payment as a customer, see below. This article is also available to
Once the deposit is paid, the order status automatically changes to "In Production" and the Customer no longer has access to the "Pay Now" button (see Customer view of order below):
If the Deposit request is edited / removed and resent, the "Pay Now" button will appear again for the Customer.