We've had an increase recently in the number of Courtsmart transcription jobs in the system. In some cases, we are able to import these Courtsmart hearings into the TRX Player. We're working to import ALL Courtsmart files but for now there are some versions we cannot bring into the TRX Player. In those cases, we are assigning the original Courtsmart content (Zip file format). We also have to use designations since we can't break up these Courtsmart hearing sessions in the player. This is an important point related to the time issues covered here.
The Courtsmart Player uses the local computer's time zone to calculate the time of day displayed in the Player. For example, here in Phoenix (West Coast time right now) when I review a Courtsmart session in the Courtsmart player, the starting time of the session would be listed as 12:00 pm (I picked this time just as an example).
If a transcriber on the east coast opens the same Courtsmart session on their computer, the start time displayed in their Courtsmart Player will be 3:00 pm. This adjusts 3 hours for the time difference.
For example, in the player window below, the start time displayed is 11:39:34am
This start time will change for different transcribers based on their location / timezone
Courtsmart Player START time in Phoenix (Pacific Time) = 11:39:34am
Courtsmart Player START time in Texas (Central Time) = 1:39:34pm (+ 2 Hours)
Courtsmart Player START time in NYC (Eastern Time) = 2:39:34pm (+ 3 Hours)
In the past, we instructed Transcribers and Proofreaders to actually change their computer's time zone setting to correct this player time difference. That strategy is becoming more of a risk in newer computers. Changing the time zone can have several impacts on your computer and browser and we really can't recommend it as a good fix for this Player issue.
Best we can suggest it to just be aware of your timezone and how that will impact your timestamps, etc. for the proofreader. Also, proofreaders, it will help you to know where Transcribers are located in case you need to do any of these calculations yourself in the proofing process.
If you have any questions you can always reach us via support@trxchange.com