If you have been assigned consecutive Turns in a project, it is probably easier for you to not break up the document. You can simply keep typing and upload a single document.
However, there are times when you do should not combine Turns:
If the two Turns contain audio from two different days. For instance, you may have Turn _010 and _020. However, _010 is for April 7 and _020 is for June 3. DO NOT COMBINE THOSE TURNS.
If you are coming up on the Sunday deadline for pay, you do not have to wait for the additional turns to be completed. If you are done with a Turn and want to submit it by the deadline, go ahead and do that.
There may be other unusual circumstances in the recording that lead you to think you should not combine the Turns. In that case, use your discretion.
You are not allowed to combine turns when the page rates are different on each turn. Example: You cannot take the 30 pages you typed for 13-002245_010 that are set at $1.50 per page, then complete that _010 turn at zero....then combine & complete the turn 13-002245_020 for $1.60 per page with all the pages to get a higher page rate for everything.
When you do combine your Turns, here are the proper steps to follow:
Complete the transcript you will be submitting and name the file with the project ID, plus all Turn IDs. For example: 13-002256_070_080_090.docm
Upload the document to the first Turn list in your filename. In this example, you would upload the document to 13-002256_070
Insert the page count ofthe entire document to the Turn in which you uploaded it and complete the Turn. If your entire document contains 43 pages, then input 43 pages in Turn _070.
Do not upload any documents to the following Turns. Simply enter zero (0) pages for each additional Turn and complete them.
If you have any questions, please email support@trxchange.com or message us on the instant chat (blue circle) on our website.
Thank you!
Production Support Team