As a Basic TRX User, your account home page is titled "My Jobs". It displays work assigned to you in TheRecordXchange, both Active and Completed.
The top right menu has only two links, "My Jobs" & "My Connections". As a free user of the system, you are responsible for performing work (aka Turns) for others within their projects, not creating or managing your own Projects. You still have access to the Projects to which you're assigned, but now you will access the project by selecting one of your assigned turns within your list of Jobs.
The My Jobs page is further segmented by Active and Completed Tabs. See links below:
The Active Tab displays a list of the jobs you have not yet completed:
The Completed Jobs Tab displays a list of all the jobs you have completed (or have been cancelled by the PO)
My Connections has not changed. You can send and receive connection requests and you will still need to be connected to Project Owners (PO's) for them to assign you work.
If you have any questions or comments you can always contact us via chat (below) or email (